Back to School Means Immunization Readiness

As students gear up for back to school, there’s an important part that parents and caregivers need to remember: vaccines. All students in Mecklenburg County must be current with their immunizations.
“Being up to date with immunizations is a vital part of returning to school,” says Dr. Raynard Washington, Mecklenburg County Public Health Director. “Students are dealing with new teachers, new classes, and even a new school. We want every child to succeed without an immunization disruption or preventable illness.”
Mecklenburg County Public Health is ready to help parents with an immunization clinic on Saturday, Aug. 26, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Public Health’s Northwest Clinic at 2845 Beatties Ford Road. Please call 704-336-6500 to make an appointment and be sure to bring your child’s vaccine records. Save the event to your calendar.
While all students need immunizations, rising kindergartners, 7th graders, and 12th graders are due for specific vaccines. Check out the vaccination requirements.
“We know many people can’t take off of work to make sure their child is immunized, so every year we hold Saturday clinics to make it easier for families,” said Megan Renner, Public Health Nursing Program Manager. “Schools will prevent students from attending classes without proper immunizations, so students should get up-to-date as soon as possible.”