Big Plans for Small Business: Office of Economic Development Celebrates Small Business Month with Special Programming

Small business owners can always take advantage of tools and resources offered through the Mecklenburg County Office of Economic Development (OED). Along with ongoing programs, the OED team has created special programming to celebrate Small Business Month in May.
What’s Next Seminar Series
You’ve launched, you’ve gained some traction, but what’s next? It’s time to scale!
Mecklenburg County’s Office of Economic Development is hosting the “What’s Next Seminar Series” beginning May 4 at Johnson C. Smith University. This six-series program is designed to help existing businesses reach the next stage of growth. If you have customers, revenue, and a desire to grow—this is what’s next. Attend individual sessions or participate in the entire series.
Small Business Summit
OED and the Small Business Consortium have partnered to host the “Small Business Summit” May 23, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Valerie C. Woodard Center Auditorium. Small, minority, and women-owned businesses will have the opportunity to participate in breakout sessions, learn about topics like proposal writing, grant writing, financial fundamentals, certifications, and more.
The Spring 2023 Small Business Summit will feature experts in business development and contracting space. Participants will hear from keynote speaker Tracey Greene-Washington, TEDx Speaker, Entrepreneur, and Award-Winning Author. Register here.
Crowns of Enterprise Awards Ceremony
The Crowns of Enterprise Awards Ceremony is May 11, 6 – 8 p.m. at the Palmer Building in Charlotte. The Award was established to recognize Minority, Women, Small Business Enterprises (MWSBEs) in Charlotte-Mecklenburg that have provided excellent services to the County and City. The Awards recognize and honor small businesses that demonstrate exemplary leadership and sound business strategies.
About the Mecklenburg County Office of Economic Development
The Office of Economic Development is the lead organization responsible for recruiting and retaining businesses, stimulating small business vitality, and promoting Mecklenburg County. It has accomplished this through partnerships with business resource providers and community organizations as well as the seven communities that comprise Mecklenburg County.