BOCC FY2022 Board Priority Update

The Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners reviewed a Fiscal Year 2022 Board Priority Update for the 4th quarter during the Budget and Public Policy meeting on Sept. 13. FY2022 Board Priorities include:
Affordable Housing, $12,623,400: Evaluate new housing opportunities that are affordable to residents in need.
Environmental Leadership, $30,132,164: Implement the Environmental Leadership Action Plan.
Meck Pre-K, $2,015,872: Continue implementation of voluntary, universal public pre-k for all eligible 4-year-old children.
Workforce Development, $1,777,624: Provide leadership and align communication with jobseekers and employers.
Reduce Racial Disparities, $11,464,398: Each of the priorities is evaluated through the lens of racial disparities with the goal of ensuring that investments by the County focus on closing racial and ethnic gaps so that race does not predict one’s success, while also improving outcomes for all. Race will be interwoven into the Board Priorities through policies, practices, and procedures that seek to analyze and eliminate the root causes of racial disparities with the hope that all people in Mecklenburg County will have an equitable opportunity to thrive in the community.