Building a Budget: Take Survey on County's Priorities

We want to hear what residents think. Mecklenburg County's residential budget survey for the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget is now open at
The survey is one of several ways residents can let County leaders know what's important to them when it comes to services and programs funded by their tax dollars. The survey will remain open through March 6 and takes minutes to complete. It allows residents to indicate their priorities, how they feel about the level of funding for services, and what they feel are the community's greatest needs.
Workshops: Mecklenburg County is also hosting a series of in-person workshops that will give the public an opportunity to learn more about the budget process and voice their priorities. The workshops are scheduled through February and March in each of the six County Commission districts and one virtual workshop. Residents planning to attend a workshop are asked to register in advance.
The Mecklenburg County Manager and the Board of County Commissioners are in the process of crafting a FY2023-2024 budget that is responsive to the needs and preferences of the community. County Manager Dena R. Diorio is scheduled to present her budget recommendation on May 18. A public hearing is scheduled for May 24 with the Board adopting the budget on June 6.