County Announces Closings Due to T.S. Ian

Updated Sept. 29, 7:45 p.m. with park cancellations and closings.
Due to anticipated inclement weather from Tropical Storm Ian, Mecklenburg County government will close offices at noon on Friday, Sept. 30. Employees who are eligible to telework are encouraged to do so, with essential employees expected to check with their managers for information on their work schedules.
CharMeck 311 and 911 emergency services remain active.
CharMeck 311 will operate on a normal schedule Friday, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., and has extended operating hours to Saturday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Outside those hours, callers can report water, sewer, stormwater and animal issues via an automated service that dispatches assistance. Many service requests can be made online, 24/7. Please call 911 for any emergencies.
Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services hotlines operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week to receive reports of suspected abuse or neglect. To report abuse of seniors or the disabled, call 704-336-CARE (2273). To report abuse, neglect or human trafficking of children, call 980-31-HELPS (43577).
Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation has cancelled all recreation center youth sports leagues through the weekend. Park and Recreation will assess conditions for other areas and provide an update on Friday. All park gates will close at noon on Friday. Freedom Park, Kirk Farm Fields and Revolution Park will be closed all day Friday due to these locations containing flood prone areas. The parks will re-open based on conditions.
Flooding is the number one problem faced when tropical storms come through the Mecklenburg County area.