County Commissioners to Hold Public Hearing on Use of National Opioid Settlement Funds

The Mecklenburg Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing at its regular meeting on Nov. 15 to hear from residents on how to spend opioid settlement funds.
Mecklenburg County will receive $32.5 million over the next 18 years to apply solutions to the opioid epidemic. County Manager Dena Diorio recently led an Opioid Settlement Community Meeting where County leaders, healthcare partners, providers, stakeholders, those with lived experience, and others learned, gave insights and began prioritizing how to use the settlement funds. County leaders are now inviting the public to speak to the Board on this issue.
If you are interested in signing up to speak, you must sign up in advance. Please use this link. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. The meeting will be held on Nov. 15, 6 p.m. at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Government Center, 600 E. Fourth St.