County Commissioners Ride for a Cleaner Future

For the 76th Annual Thanksgiving Eve Parade, members of the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners will ride in the County’s electric vehicles (EV). The EV fleet will feature a decal with a leaf surrounded by a road, the County seal and the words “Road to a Cleaner Future.” The decal was designed by UNC Charlotte student Asher Queen during a contest hosted by the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County this past Spring.
“Asher's design of a leaf surrounded by a road shows both the City and the County are on a road to a cleaner future. Mecklenburg County is committed to net-zero carbon emissions by 2035 and reduction in carbon emissions cannot be achieved without effective collaboration between City and County entities," said Erin Stanforth, Sustainability & Resiliency Manager for Mecklenburg County. "This exciting project highlights student artwork while also bringing attention to our combined pledge to carbon neutrality."
See the County Commissioners and the County’s commitment to carbon neutrality Wednesday night, Nov. 23 at the Novant Health Thanksgiving Eve Parade on Tryon Street starting at 5:30 p.m. or watch it on WBTV, Channel 3 live at 6 p.m.