Flooding Forecasted: Turn Around Don’t Drown

Periods of heavy rain are expected for the next several days, combined with saturated ground and elevated creek levels, and flooding risks have increased. Flash flooding will be possible along any of the creeks in Mecklenburg County and river flooding will also be possible along the Catawba River.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services is reminding residents:
When approaching high water do not attempt to drive through it. Turn Around Don’t Drown. Never go around barriers.
Clear storm drains near your home, and only if you can do it safely. You can also call 311 to report the blockage.
Call 311 to report drainage issues and minor flooding.
Call 911 to report major street flooding, especially if lives or property may be at risk.
Sign up for CharMeck Alerts at this web address, charmeckalerts.com.
Rainfall totals, creek levels, and creek cameras can be found at StormWater.CharMeck.org and click on the Rainfall and Creek Data tab.