Fresh Veggies for Seniors: Vouchers Available for Farmers Markets

The closing weeks of summer equals a bounty of fruits and vegetables pouring from local farms and gardens—from asparagus to zucchini. For older adults, the benefits of eating fresh and healthy include increased mental sharpness, greater resistance to illness, faster recuperation, more energy, and a more positive outlook.
Mecklenburg County is taking part in the N.C. Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP). Eligible senior citizens can receive $50 in vouchers to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at two local farmers markets.
The Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program runs through Sept. 30. Vouchers are distributed and can be redeemed at two Mecklenburg County farmers markets.
North Meck Community Farmers Market
18121 Old Statesville Road in Cornelius
Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Receive and redeem vouchers through Sept. 30.
The market will remain open through Oct. 4.
Free parking
300 South Davidson Street in Charlotte
Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Receive vouchers on Aug. 19 and Sept. 2. Redeem vouchers through Sept. 30.
The market will remain open through December.
Free parking
Who’s Eligible:
Mecklenburg County seniors aged 60+ with:
A one-person household income of $2,248/month.
A two-person household income of $3,041/month.
The N.C. Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program is administered by the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS). It is intended to help improve the nutrition of older adults and increase business for local farmers. In Mecklenburg County, the local locations are a collaboration among DSS’s Senior Citizen Nutrition program, Public Health’s Food Security program, and NCDHHS. The partners worked together to select the two markets, coordinate with managers, and conduct trainings.
You SNAP, We Match:
North Meck Community Farmers Market is among the newest markets in Mecklenburg County, established with help from grant funding by the Board of County Commissioners. Through Public Health’s Food Security program, residents can also use their SNAP benefits to double purchases up to $50 at these two markets and many others throughout the County.