Getting to Work: County, Charlotte Works to Host Career Expo and Workshops

Mecklenburg County is helping residents launch careers in the advanced manufacturing, construction, and facilities maintenance management industries. In February, the Office of Economic Development and Unified Workforce Development, in partnership with Charlotte Works, will host a Career Expo and two Career Expo Prep Workshops to train job seekers and connect them to local companies in these industries.
Local employment opportunities are increasing, but some job seekers still struggle to access employment with a sustainable living wage. To address this gap, and to support social mobility and a high quality of life, Mecklenburg County and Charlotte Works are helping job seekers stand out as candidates, meet local employers, and explore entry-level and mid-career opportunities.
Feb. 11 and 13 Career Expo Prep Workshops
Two Career Expo Prep Workshops will prepare job seekers for the Career Expo, a job fair and hiring event featuring multiple Mecklenburg County employers.
A daytime workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 11. An evening workshop is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 13. Workshop attendees may gain priority access to employers at the Feb. 25 Career Expo.
Attendees should plan to attend only one workshop, where they will be introduced to the advanced manufacturing, construction, and facilities maintenance management industries, and learn about:
- Resume building
- Soft skills, such as skills in interviewing, communication, teamwork, problem solving, time management and work ethic
- Employment resources for justice-involved individuals
- Services in the Mecklenburg County area that can help job seekers find employment
Registration is required for the workshops. Both workshops will be held at the Valerie C. Woodard Community Resource Center (Entrance A), at 3205 Freedom Drive, in Charlotte. Spanish-speaking coordinators, free parking and refreshments will be available to attendees.
Register for the Feb. 11 Workshop
9 a.m. to Noon
Register for the Feb. 13 Workshop
5-8 p.m.
Feb. 25 Career Expo
The Career Expo will take place at Central Piedmont Community College’s Harris Conference Center, 3216 CPCC Harris Campus Drive in Charlotte, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 25.
Private sector and workforce development partners from across Mecklenburg County will introduce attendees to career opportunities and interview qualified candidates.
Attendees are encouraged to register in advance, but walk-ins will be welcome. Business casual attire is suggested but not required. Like the workshops, Spanish-speaking coordinators, free parking, and refreshments will be available to attendees.
The following employers, and others, will be present at the Career Expo:
- Charlotte Works
- City of Charlotte Human Resources
- DPR Construction
- Ironworkers Local 848
- LIFESPAN Services
- Mecklenburg County Code Enforcement
- Mecklenburg County Human Resources
- Overhead Door Company of Charlotte
- Per Scholas
- Precision Plumbing
- Reynolds Consumer Products
- R.J. Leeper Construction
- She Built This City
- Siemens Energy
- Southwire
- Truly Good Foods
Visit to learn more about the workshops and the Career Expo, and to access employment resources from Mecklenburg County and its community partners.