Joint Managers Statement: The Filing of Senate Bill 145 the Mecklenburg Transportation Referendum
The Managers of Mecklenburg County, the City of Charlotte, and the towns of Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Mint Hill and Pineville, representing 97% of the county, applaud the filing of Senate Bill 145. Senators Bill Rabon, David Craven, and Vickie Sawyer, as sponsors of the Bill, deserve our sincere thanks and appreciation for understanding the importance of this proposal and for allowing our community the opportunity to determine its transportation future by making a choice for increased regional transportation infrastructure investments. The Bill provides the opportunity for unprecedented funding for roads, transit and bus systems that will have both immediate and long-term impacts for our commuters, residents, and visitors.
The road funding provisions are unique in that funds will be allocated directly to the City and the individual towns across the county where local governments will have the independent authority to make decisions about roads, intersections, safety improvements, and other ancillary road enhancements within their communities that will have a positive daily impact on residents. The City and the towns have road infrastructure needs that are currently unfunded and cost our citizens time, car upkeep, impaired quality of life and limit growth opportunities. New funding would be available to address these needs and also help solve the "orphaned road" problem that has been a concern for many for far too long.
The overall impact this legislation provides for our region is extraordinary and will enhance our opportunity to continue to meaningfully contribute to the state's economy.
We express our genuine gratitude to the forward-thinking sponsors of Senate Bill 145 and look forward to supporting them and their colleagues in the North Carolina House. Partnerships between localities and our state lawmakers, as demonstrated by the filing of this bill, are why our state continues to enjoy the success it has achieved.