Letting Mussels Do the Heavy Lifting When Testing Water Quality

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be placing local Carolina mussels into Stevens Creek (15700 Thompson Rd, Mint Hill, NC) on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 at 10 a.m. Service biologists will place tagged mussels in the creek to determine the stream’s health and stability.
Jason Mays is with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. He visited Stevens Creek last year and explained how these freshwater mussels were fitted with a tag with a unique identifying number/letter combination. Wednesday, Mays will show how the mussels are placed, tagged and tracked. The purpose of Wednesday's event is to record and test the water quality and habitat for the possible reintroduction of the endangered Carolina Heelsplitter into the creek.
Stevens Creek water restoration is an award-winning project managed by Storm Water Services. Nearly two miles of Stevens Creek was restored, improving water quality by reducing erosion by laying back high steep banks and adding native vegetation. Fallen trees that created blockages were removed.
The staff at Stevens Creek Nature Center and Preserve regularly offers public and private programs for individuals and groups.