County Will Fund $6 Million to Area Agencies for Opioid Addiction Treatment Work

Nearly 100 community partners, leaders and students attended this year’s Opioid Settlement Fund Update meeting on Nov. 7. Mecklenburg County Manager Dena R. Diorio said, “With the opioid settlement funding that will span over 18 years, we have the opportunity to move into a new era of hope and action. We now have the resources to meaningfully help those in our community suffering from opioid addiction or are at risk. To the teens in the room, you will be in your 30s when this funding work ends.”
The County will commit approximately $6 million of the opioid settlement funds to local organizations. Chief of Staff of Health and Human Services Robert Nesbit gave details of the five strategies and the agencies to receive funding as follows:
Early Intervention: $750K
- Thompson Child and Family Focus
- Children’s Home Society of NC
- Project 658
Evidence-Based Addiction Treatment: $750K
- Charlotte Community Health Clinic
- Amity Medical Group
Employment Related Services: $525K
- Hope Haven
- Charlotte Area Fund
- National Center on Institutions and Alternatives
Recovery Housing Support: $3 million
- Hope Homes Recovery Services
- Queen City Harm Reduction
- McLeod Center for Well Being
- Oxford House
Recovery Support Services: $1 million
- Hope Haven
- Smart Recovery USA
- Carolina Cares Partnership
- Amity Medical Group
Mecklenburg County will receive $73 million over 18 years to tackle the opioid epidemic. As part of the settlement’s Memorandum Of Agreement, there will be an annual public meeting to make sure the community is aware of how the work is taking place and how the funds are being deployed.