Five-Year Milestone: Three Commissioners Recognized with Service Pins

Three members of the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners were recognized for reaching a milestone in their service to the community.
At the Board’s meeting on Nov. 8, 2023, County Manager Dena R. Diorio presented Vice Chair Elaine Powell, Commissioner Mark Jerrell, and Commissioner Susan Rodriguez-McDowell with their five-year service pins.
All Mecklenburg County employees who reach their five-year mark are awarded a service pin to celebrate the milestone—and County Commissioners are no exception. In addition to representing their districts and constituents, Commissioners serve as leaders of the 6,400 employees who make up Mecklenburg County government.
After their election in 2018, Commissioners Powell, Jerrell, and Rodriguez-McDowell began a five-year tenure that would span some of Mecklenburg County’s most challenging years. The COVID-19 pandemic changed how the world conducts business, compelling the entire Board and Mecklenburg County to pivot and learn how to govern in new and innovative ways.
Vice Chair Elaine Powell represents District One, in northern Mecklenburg County. She serves as Chair of the Environmental Stewardship committee and is a member of the Health and Human Services Committee. Before election to the Board, Commissioner Powell served on numerous County advisory committees, including Waste Management, Park and Recreation, and the Natural Resources Stewardship Advisory Council.
Commissioner Mark Jerrell represents District Four, the eastern part of Mecklenburg County. He serves as Chair of the Inter-Governmental Relations Committee and is a member of the Economic Development and Environmental Stewardship committees. Commissioner Jerrell is also a veteran, having served in the U.S Army Reserve.
Commissioner Susan Rodriguez-McDowell represents District Six, in southern and southeastern Mecklenburg County. She serves as Chair of the Economic Development Committee and is a member of the Environmental Stewardship and Inter-governmental Relations committee.
“Under the leadership and guidance of you and the entire Board, we have emerged even stronger and ready to face the next challenge as we serve our 1.1 million residents,” said County Manager Diorio in her presentation of the pins. “We thank you for your work and dedication during the last five years. You know there is more work to be done. And we know you are committed to that task. On behalf of Mecklenburg County, I congratulate each of you on your five-year anniversary.”
View the Board meeting and presentation at