Grant Money Is Available for Nonprofits that Serve Mecklenburg County

Nonprofits are the beating heart of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, providing services that make our community a better place to live: affordable housing, literacy, health care, career readiness, and much more. That is why Mecklenburg County provides Community Service Grants (CSG) to help fund nonprofits that meet many needs in the community.
Nonprofits can apply for FY2024 Community Service Grants from Nov. 1 – Dec. 5, 2022. The application link (available Nov. 1) and other details are available on the CSG webpage.
To share more about the process of applying for a grant, Mecklenburg County will host an information session for nonprofits. It will be held in person:
Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2022
1 p.m.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center, Room 267
600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202
All applicants must:
Serve the residents of Mecklenburg County.
Have current 501(c)(3) nonprofit status.
Submit audited financial statements.
Apply under one of the four goal areas that reflect Mecklenburg County’s strategic priorities: Connected Community, Economic Opportunities, Healthy Community, and Safe Community.
The grant award funding period is from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
Any nonprofit program that has received funding for three consecutive fiscal years (FY2021-FY2022-FY2023) will be sunsetted from the program and provided the opportunity to apply for a vendor relationship with Mecklenburg County in FY2024. If selected as a vendor, the program will no longer compete in the Community Service Grant process.
Funding for FY2024 is not guaranteed.