Harmful Algae Bloom (HAB) Found in Two Coves on Lake Wylie

Active Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) have been found in two coves on Lake Wylie, one located just north of Strollaway Road, and one located between Strollaway Road and Red Fez Club Road (see map).
The blooms were observed by staff with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services in response to a call from a resident who observed bright green water with a surface scum in the coves. Although most algal blooms are not harmful, some species of algae called cyanobacteria can produce toxins that have been linked to severe illness in humans and animals if ingested. The algae found in these blooms have been confirmed as cyanobacteria, and, therefore, they can produce toxins.
You cannot tell whether a bloom is harmful just by looking at it, so it is best to avoid the following activities around possible algal blooms:
Swimming, boating, kayaking, fishing, jet-skiing, water-skiing, or wading through the water
Touching or handling mats of algae
Ingesting the water
Using the water for washing of irrigation
Pets and children are at a higher risk of exposure so keep them away from water that appears discolored or scummy (see picture)
If you accidentally come in contact with a harmful algae bloom, take the following actions:
Wash thoroughly
Immediately seek veterinary care if your pet appears to stumble, stagger, collapse or vomit uncontrollably after being in contact with the water
Immediately seek medical care if a child or adult appears ill after being in contact with the water
Staff with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services will continue to survey the area until the blooms are no longer present at which time the public will be notified.
If you see a bloom, please make sure to report it so staff can investigate:
In North Carolina, please report to NCDEQ by calling 704-663-1699.
In South Carolina, please report to SCDHEC by calling 803-898-8374.
To receive notifications of HAB advisories in Mecklenburg County, text MECKNOSWIM to 888-777.