Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) No Longer Observed in Two Coves on Lake Wylie in Mecklenburg County

On Nov. 7, 2022, active Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs) were observed by staff with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services in two coves on Lake Wylie in Mecklenburg County, one located just north of Strollaway Road, and one located between Strollaway Road and Red Fez Club Road.
On Nov. 22, 2022, staff conducted a follow up investigation of these same areas and did not observe any visual indicators of active HABs. A water samples was also collected, and no harmful algae were identified. The colder water temperatures we are currently experiencing typically cause blooms to dissipate. During the Nov. 22 investigation, staff observed brown, scummy water indicative of organic decomposition that is also typically seen on the lake with colder temperatures and the “turnover” of the water. These pictures illustrate staff’s observations this month on Nov. 7 and 22.
If you see a bloom, please make sure to report it so staff can investigate:
In North Carolina, please report to NCDEQ by calling (704)-663-1699.
In South Carolina, please report to SCDHEC by calling (803)-898-8374.
Always remember, when in doubt, stay out.
To receive notifications of HAB and No Swimming advisories in Mecklenburg County, text MECKNOSWIM to 888-777.