Notice of Remote Participation

Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes, NCGS § 153A-40 and 166A-19.24(b1), the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners provides notice that their Regular Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2022, will be a hybrid meeting with County Commissioners participating virtually and in-person. The Informal Session/Closed Session of the meeting will begin at 5 p.m. and be held in conference room CH-14, followed by the Open session beginning at 6 p.m. or shortly thereafter in the Meeting Chamber at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center located at 600 East Fourth Street in Charlotte, North Carolina.
As in prior meetings, members of the public can view and listen to the meeting via real-time video streaming on the Government Channel, online at, or attend in-person. Each meeting agenda of the Board can be found online at The Board's 2022 meeting schedule is available online at
Anyone needing special assistance when attending any of the Board's meetings and/or if this information is needed in an alternative format should contact the Clerk to the Board at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at 600 East Fourth Street, in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center (CMGC), 11th Floor; 980-314-2939 or email [email protected].