Office of Economic Development Partners to Host In-Spanish Contractor Series

Mecklenburg County's Business Diversity and Inclusion Program is proud to participate in Hispanic Heritage Month by introducing an in-language seminar series, Celebrating the Hispanic Community: The Road to Success as a Contractor.
The Office of Economic Development will collaborate on this first of its kind seminar series with ecosystem partners: The Economic and Labor Center, Latin American Coalition, Women's Business Center of Charlotte, National Institute of Economic Development, Latin American Chamber of Charlotte, Prospera, Hispanic Contractors Association of the Carolinas, City of Charlotte, and the Carolina Small Business Development Fund.
The in-Spanish series will provide the fundamental tools to get started on contracting opportunities. The kickoff is on Sept. 22, 2022, with the first hybrid session, titled "The First Steps to Get Started as a Contractor with Mecklenburg County." The first seminar will be held at the Latin American Coalition, at 4938 Central Ave., Charlotte, NC 28205. Register for this session.
Topics and dates for the series are as follows:
Thursday, Sept. 22, 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Los primeros pasos para iniciar como contratista con el condado de Mecklenburg
The First Steps to Get Started as a Contractor with Mecklenburg County
Wednesday, Oct. 6, 4p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Prepare sus finanzas para obtener las oportunidades de contratación
Prepare Your Finances to Obtain Contracting Opportunities
Monday, Oct. 24, 3 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Pasos para obtener la certificación HUB de Carolina del Norte
A Step-by-Step Navigation of the NC HUB Certification Application
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Técnicas de Networking: Como crear un resumen de capacidad empresarial
Networking Techniques: How to Create a Capability Statement
Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Cómo obtener contratos con el condado de Mecklenburg y la Ciudad de Charlotte
How to Obtain Contract Opportunities with Mecklenburg County and the City of Charlotte
Wednesday, Jan. 25, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Evento de Networking: Pon en práctica sus herramientas para iniciar como contratista
Networking Event: Implement Your Skills and Tools to Get Started on Contracting Opportunities
The seminars will be held at various locations throughout the County. Register for each seminar. All seminars will have an in-person and virtual option. Download the series flyer. A certificate will be provided to those who complete all six sessions.
For more information on this series or Mecklenburg County's Business Diversity and Inclusion Program, visit the webpage or email [email protected].