Public Health Opens Additional MPX Vaccine Clinic Hours

In recent weeks, the number of newly-confirmed MPX cases decreased by nearly 68% from the highest point to date in Mecklenburg County.
“These improvements are encouraging, and we are cautiously optimistic. However, MPX is still here and we must continue diligently working to identify any active infections, vaccinate those at greatest risk, and ensure people are hearing our message of caution and care,” said Dr. Raynard Washington, Mecklenburg County Public Health director.
The MPX vaccine criteria were expanded this week which will allow more people to be vaccinated. In an additional effort to support the community, MCPH will hold two Saturday MPX clinics. Appointments can be made by calling 704-336-6500 and a limited number of walk-ins can be accommodated for those who meet the eligibility criteria only. If you do not meet the criteria, you cannot be vaccinated at this time.
Sept. 10, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the NW Health Department, 2845 Beatties Ford Road
Sept. 17, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the SE Health Department, 249 Billingsley Road
MCPH will also continue its effort to offer MPX vaccines at its clinics during the week. Please go to the appointments/waitlist.
“MCPH will continue our role to protect the community. I am incredibly proud of our team for their tireless efforts day to day as well as for creating additional opportunities for the public to receive the MPX vaccine,” said Washington.
Vaccine Eligibility
Currently, the vaccine is being offered at no cost to adults 18 years of age and older who self-identify as high risk according to any of the following criteria:
Anyone who had close contact in the past two weeks with someone who has been diagnosed with MPX
Sexually active gay or bisexual men or other men or transgender individuals who have sex with men or transgender individuals
People who have had sexual contact in the past 90 days with gay or bisexual men or other men or transgender individuals who have sex with men
People living with HIV, taking medication to prevent HIV (PrEP), or who were diagnosed with syphilis in the past 90 days