Pinwheels for the Children: April Is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Mecklenburg County and the City of Charlotte have jointly proclaimed April as Child Abuse Prevention Month, which recognizes the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect.
The proclamation calls upon: “…all citizens, community agencies, faith groups, medical facilities, elected leaders, and businesses to increase their participation in efforts to support families, thereby preventing child abuse and strengthening the communities in which we live.”
Mecklenburg County, the Department of Child, Family, and Adult Services, and the many partners of the Mecklenburg Child Abuse Prevention Team kicked off the month’s activities with an event on March 28. The event featured remarks and testimonials from leaders who work across the community to prevent child abuse.
The speakers included:
- K’neadee Jackson, Clinical Therapist, Anchored Solutions Group, LLC; Chair, Mecklenburg Child Abuse Prevention Team
- Judge C. Renee Little, N.C. 26th Judicial District
- Dr. Jill Payne, Associate Superintendent, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
- Commissioner Susan Rodriguez-McDowell, Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners
- Angelica Foster, Guardian ad Litem Supervisor; Co-chair, Mecklenburg Child Abuse Prevention Team
View remarks from the kickoff event.
Following the speakers’ remarks, participants planted pinwheels by the Mecklenburg County Courthouse. Pinwheels are the national symbol for child abuse prevention. The pinwheel connotes playfulness, joy, and childhood, and has come to serve as a physical reminder a great childhood. They also represent efforts to focus upon community activities and public policies that prioritize child abuse prevention.
Child Abuse Prevention Month has been observed across the United States since 1983. Learn more about the Mecklenburg Child Abuse Prevention Team and its activities for April at
Mecklenburg County Child Protective Services works to protect children who are alleged to be abused, neglected, or dependent, and who are at imminent risk of harm due to actions by the child’s parent or caretaker. To report child abuse, neglect or human trafficking, call the 24-hour HELP Line at 980-31-HELPS (4-3577).