Registration for Sixth Year of MECK Pre-K is Now Open

High quality free pre-K open to all four-year-old children in Mecklenburg County
MECK Pre-K is now taking applications for the 2023-24 school year. Space is limited, so families are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. To apply, children must be four years old on or before Aug. 31 and live in Mecklenburg County.
MECK Pre-K is high quality free pre-K education open to all four-year-old children in Mecklenburg County. Classrooms are located in more than 40 licensed child development centers and taught by licensed teachers and highly qualified assistant teachers.
“When parents pick MECK Pre-K, they aren’t picking a childcare center, they’re picking an experience for their child,” says Chief Early Education Officer Mary-Margaret Kantor, Ed.D. "MECK Pre-K isn’t childcare, it’s an educational experience that helps children to succeed in school before they even start school.”
As MECK Pre-K enters its sixth year, the program will welcome more than 1,800 new children and families from all parts of the county into its classrooms for another exciting and growth-filled year. Families can apply online using a computer, tablet or smartphone at Those without internet access can also apply in person or request a paper application. MECK Pre-K staff can be reached by email at [email protected] or by calling 704-943-9585.
In the coming months, MECK Pre-K will host registration events and have a presence at the Valerie C. Woodard Center, 3205 Freedom Drive, Suite 2000 Charlotte, NC 28208. Please follow @MeckPreK on social media or text MECKPreK to 833-937-0673 to join our mailing list.
MECK Pre-K requires certain documents to verify eligibility. Visit and click on “Enrollment” for more information. Registration is not complete until all documentation has been verified. Families will receive an email or letter notifying them when their child is officially accepted into MECK Pre-K.
About MECK Pre-K:
MECK Pre-K is high quality free pre-K education open to all four-year-old children in Mecklenburg County. Classrooms are located in licensed child development centers and taught by licensed teachers and highly qualified assistant teachers. MECK Pre-K is administered by Smart-Start of Mecklenburg County and funded by Mecklenburg County. For more information, and to apply online, visit
About Smart Start of Mecklenburg County:
Smart Start of Mecklenburg County mobilizes resources, forges partnerships, and supports families to improve early childhood health, education and development, and ensure children are prepared for kindergarten. Learn more at