Telling the Mecklenburg Story: County Marks Government Communicators Day

Telling Mecklenburg County’s story in a way that enhances transparency and increases civic engagement is the work of the Public Information Department and communicators across the County organization.
On Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024, Mecklenburg County celebrates the people who tell those stories on Government Communicators Day. It is a day set aside by the City-County Communications and Marketing Association (3CMA) to recognize and celebrate the contributions of public communicators. It serving as an opportunity to spotlight the efforts of those who work behind the scenes to keep citizens informed.
The Mecklenburg County Public Information Department (PI) provides news and information to keep residents and employees informed about County initiatives, policies, programs, services, and the work of the Board of County Commissioners. Public Information has a wide array of tools and channels to deliver these stories:
- Board of County Commissioners Meetings: Public Information works with the Board and the Clerk’s office to share details on the work and discussions of Mecklenburg County’s elected officials. That includes televising and streaming Board and committee meetings, ensuring that meetings are accessible to Spanish-speaking residents, the hearing impaired and other disabled residents, and coordinating coverage with the news media. Board meetings are streamed live in English and Spanish, and archived for later viewing, at
- News Media: PI works closely with local, regional, and national news media to share information about County services and respond to requests for information. Visit Mecklenburg County’s online newsroom.
- Public Records: Public records comprise most documents or materials made or received by Mecklenburg County while conducting public business. PI coordinates requests for public records through the Public Records Request portal, where any resident can request a public record held by Mecklenburg County.
- Web Services: PI manages, Mecklenburg County’s website, which encompasses all departments, programs, and services.
- Social Media: PI manages Mecklenburg County’s social media channels, which are invaluable tools in sharing County news and information about programs and services. Those channels include Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Next Door, PI’s blog, and other channels specific to various County departments and agencies.
- Marketing and Branding: PI coordinates marketing campaigns for County departments. Recent campaigns include Budget Engagement, The Meck Effect, HOMES, Revaluation, Energy Assistance, and more. PI also manages the County’s branding and style guide to help ensure consistent content and style across departments.
- Media Production: Produces videos and photographs about County services, programs and events, and manages the online streaming of Board of County Commissioners meetings. Work is presented on Meck TV, YouTube, Flickr, and various web pages.
- Community Relations: Encourages proactive community engagement with County leadership and departments to increase awareness and active resident participation.
“Government Communicators Day is a platform to showcase the pivotal role that public communicators play in shaping public perception, disseminating critical information and fostering community engagement,” said Scott Lehtonen, executive director of the City-County Communications and Marketing Association (3CMA). “For 365 days of the year, these professionals work tirelessly behind the scenes, and on this day, we aim to bring them into the spotlight they deserve.”