We Value Mecklenburg County: Property Owners to Receive Revaluation Notices Beginning March 17

Revaluation notices will be mailed to more than 400,000 Mecklenburg County property owners beginning Friday, March 17. The Mecklenburg County Assessor's Office will also update values the same day on the County's property record website, accessible through Reval.MeckNC.gov.
OUR COMMUNITY HAS GROWN: Revaluation is the process in which Mecklenburg County revalues all property (land and buildings) to its current market value as of an established date, in this case Jan. 1, 2023. North Carolina law requires all counties to conduct a property revaluation at least every eight years. Mecklenburg County currently conducts revaluation every four years.
The Assessor's Office monitors market data to accurately determine the market value of all properties. Staff visit and observe properties to verify characteristics, compare similar property sales and consider improvements or changes made. Revaluation captures these changes in value for property tax purposes. Properties are revalued to ensure assessed values are based on the current market and establish equalization for property owners throughout Mecklenburg County.
With the steep increase in sales prices across the region in recent years, property assessments have increased an average of 51% in Mecklenburg County.
WHAT NOW? If a property owner believes the new assessed value is not what they could sell the property for, options are included on the notice.
Informal Review: Allows a property owner and assessor to review the notification together and correct any errors without having to file a Formal Appeal.
Formal Appeal: An appeal is reviewed by the Board of Equalization and Review (BER), a board of citizen volunteers that hears appeals on assessed values.
Owners are encouraged to check comparable sales in their neighborhoods. Visit Reval.MeckNC.gov and click on "My Property Value." After finding their property, owners can use the "compers" tool to see what nearby properties have recently sold for.
TAX BILLS: Following the assessment of properties, tax rates are set by City, County, and Town elected officials every spring and applied to a property's value. The tax bill is calculated and mailed every summer to all property owners in Mecklenburg County.
QUESTIONS? Staff from the Assessor's Office are ready to answer questions and assist all property owners. Owners can call 980-314-4226 or email [email protected].
In addition, the Assessor's Office has scheduled two Property Tax Resource Fairs, to speak with residents about their new values and options for property tax relief for eligible owners.
Saturday, April 1 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Valerie C. Woodard Conference Center, 3205 Freedom Drive, Entrance D, Charlotte, NC 28208
Saturday, April 15 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Eastway Regional Recreation Center, 3150 Eastway Park Drive, Charlotte, NC 28213