Your Money. Your Community. Your Voice. Budget Public Hearing to Help Set Priorities

Mecklenburg County is beginning to craft its Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget. The first step is a public hearing where citizens have the opportunity to speak on their priorities and concerns as they relate to services funded by Mecklenburg County.
The public hearing will be held at the Board of County Commissioners' regular meeting:
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023
6 p.m.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center, Meeting Chamber, 600 E. Fourth St., Charlotte, NC 28202
Residents have three ways to provide input:
Register online to speak. Speakers will have three minutes to share their comments.
Email comments to [email protected]
Mail comments to: Clerk to the Board, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center, 600 East Fourth Street, 11th Floor, Charlotte, NC 28202
The deadline to register to speak is Tuesday, Jan. 17 at 5 p.m. All emailed or mailed comments must be received by that time.
Following the public hearing, the Board of County Commissioners will hold its annual budget retreat Jan. 25 – 27, where it will address fiscal policies and set the Board's priorities as the County Manager develops a recommended budget. In addition to the public hearing, residents will have other opportunities to provide input, including a budget priority survey and multiple community workshops to be hosted across the county.
County Manager Dena R. Diorio is scheduled to present her budget recommendation on May 18, with the Board adopting the FY2023-2024 budget on June 6.